Product Highlight: Gardener's Soap
We are doing something new around here! I wanted a chance to highlight some of our products and give you the low down on the ingredients we chose for our formulas and why. Each month we will have a product of the month to feature and VIPs will get a special promotion on that product!
This month's product of the month is our Gardener's Soap! I don't know about you, but I am itching to get out and plant our garden. Anybody who has ever lived in our near Wisconsin probably knows that it'll still be months before it's safe to put anything in the ground. A girl can dream, right!?
This soap was specifically made with Gardener's in mind. Those of us who have our hands in the dirt know that somehow, that dirt can find its way into every single crack and crevice in your skin. This soap is made with deeply cleansing oils and exfoliating ingredients to literally scrub the dirt out of all those crevices.
Ingredients: Coconut oil, Organic Sunflower Oil, and Meadowfoam Seed Oil, Essential Oil Blend (Lemon, Lavender, Rosemary) Ground Walnut Shells, Organic Poppy Seeds, Organic Lemon Peel Powder
Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is a powerhouse cleanser that produces big beautiful bubbles. It is so good at its job of stripping your skin of dirt and oil that it can be too drying if not paired with other nourishing oils.
Sunflower Oil: Rich in essential fatty acids and vitamin C, this oil adds the very important conditioning back to this bar of soap.
Meadowfoam Oil: Meadowfoam oil is very similar to human sebum, the oil that is naturally a part of your skin. Therefore, meadowfoam is an effective oil for moisture and helping those oils sink deep into your skin.
Lemon Essential Oil: Cuts grease, cleanses, can kill viruses and bacteria, and help calm inflammation. This is the perfect oil for hands that have been in the soil and may have slight abrasions.
Lavender Essential OIl: Creates a calming effect, promotes happiness. This oil was added to this soap mostly as an aromatherapy enhancement. This oil is also believed to have antifungal properties and calm inflammation.
Rosemary Essential Oil: Anti-inflammatory, pain reducer and repels certain bugs. This oil also has an aromatherapy benefit of helping focus.
Walnut Shells, Poppy Seeds, and Lemon Peel Powder: These ingredients are all used as exfoliants. These ingredients are the ones that slough away dead skin and dirt from all the cracks and crevices. I chose three different sizes of exfoliation. Poppy seeds being the largest for big spots of dirt on the surface, Walnut Shells for dirt that's settled a bit deeper into your skin, and the lemon peel for the fine, tiny spots where dirt can settle. This ensures it can get your hands completely clean of dirt and leaves nothing behind!
Are you a gardener? Do you have a gardener in your life who might love this soap? Tell me about your garden in the comments below!
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